How to Calculate a Personal Injury Settlement

An injury can get expensive quickly. You’re struggling with your health now, and that can take a toll on you for some time. Fortunately, you have a chance to file an injury claim, but that requires knowing how to calculate a personal injury settlement.

If you don’t have the tools and experience needed for a successful claim, you’ll need a lawyer from Hipskind & McAninch, LLC on your side. You’ll need a full settlement to recover, but without the right resources, that can be impossible. So reach out today for the attention your claim needs to succeed.

Your Economic Damages

When you’re injured, you’ll need medical attention as soon as possible. You’ll of course need treatment for your injuries, but seeking medical attention can also help you avoid trouble with your claim. The defense may try to claim that you didn’t suffer those injuries in the accident and that your injuries must have happened at a different time. Your medical records should prove them wrong.

Once you’ve determined what injuries you’ve suffered, you should receive compensation for all financial losses you have suffered or will suffer. Paying your hospital bills won’t be easy, so you’ll need to find all your related expenses. Any related expenses should be included in your settlement.

Getting Your Future Expenses Covered

Unfortunately, your losses don’t stop growing after the accident. Whether it’s a truck accident, a slip-and-fall, a construction accident, or whatever else, many injury victims suffer long after their accident took place, leaving them in a worse position.

As such, you’ll need to find the worth of your future expenses as well. For example, let’s say you suffered from whiplash during a car accident. This condition can take time to treat. Because whiplash hurts the muscles, they’ll need to be restrengthened through physical therapy.

By the time you file your claim, however, you may not have finished your treatment. You’re still having issues, and you’ll need to continue your therapy or have surgery, in some cases. As such, your treatment may not be over, and your compensation shouldn’t stop paying out, either.

This is also true of lost income. If you’re unable to work and won’t be returning for some time, you may need a lawyer’s help in estimating how much compensation you will lose because of the injury. We’ll make sure you get the full worth of your compensation.

Get Your Full Injury Settlement

When a major injury happens, it can be costly and overwhelming. You’re dealing with the trauma, the pain, and the costs of your accident, and you’re not sure how much that’s worth. Fortunately, you don’t have to find your claim’s worth alone.

If you’re not sure how to calculate a personal injury settlement, seek out the help of the lawyers from Hipskind & McAninch, LLC. Our attorneys understand how identifying even the total cost of your bills can be difficult, so you’ll need help in identifying the full worth of your claim.

Get started today on your personal injury claim with a free case review from our attorneys. Calculating your claim can be difficult and we know you have questions, and we’ll help you through this difficult time. When you’re ready to find your claim’s worth and file, reach out to us by calling 618-641-9189 or by completing the online form below.